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Economic objectives:
          Reaching high profitability, exploiting materials and available possibilities, employing manpower and investing the expertise and energies available locally with the lowest possible construction and operational expenses compared to places, sites and other countries where such projects have been implemented.
         Promoting the pillars of sustainable development and increasing income by economic measures without polluting the surrounding environment and achieving the principles of justice by preserving the capabilities of future generations and trying to provide hard currency by exporting products with the best specifications and the possibility of serious competition in the strongest and largest global markets.
Community objectives:
         Employing the labor force and employing the expertise and talents of young people and the outstanding competencies that exist in the Egyptian state to reduce the spread of unemployment and provide real job opportunities for various community groups in general and try to increase income for many Egyptian families.
Scientific and research objectives:
         We hope to reach new results promising to achieve innovations and innovations distinct to the means and methods of agricultural productivity characterized by low cost and high economic returns by achieving the highest productivity and profitability possible and attempts to devise varieties more resistant to diseases and in line with the prevailing environment conditions and distinct in their productivity as well as quality.